The Come Alive Podcast

What have you decided is stopping you?

Episode Summary

What have you decided is stopping you and what have you decided you cannot move around, overcome, challenge or change? Is that actually true? Are you willing to do what it takes to change it?

Episode Notes

What have you decided is stopping you and what have you decided you cannot move around, overcome, challenge or change? Is that actually true? Are you willing to do what it takes to change it?

Key Takeaways:

  1. Whatever you've decided can stop you will.
  2. Nothing in your life has stopped you and nothing ever will. 
  3. Things may not be or look the way you'd like and people may not treat you the way you wish they would, but you are here and you are part of this world.
  4. The idea that anything can stop you is a lie.
  5. You have a choice and you are in charge.

Have a look at the one thing you say you'd like to have in your life. Do you actually desire to have it? If you do, are you going to go get it?

Access Consciousness Tools: