The Come Alive Podcast

What if Saying Nothing Says Everything?

Episode Summary

What if saying nothing says everything? How often do we respond to something when nothing is required to be said? What if, in some situations, silence is the greatest thing you can choose?

Episode Notes

What if saying nothing says everything? How often do we respond to something when nothing is required to be said? What if, in some situations, silence is the greatest thing you can choose?

Key Takeaways:

  1. Have a look at: Does what they say require a response?
  2. What is your need to respond?
  3. If someone desires to hear what you have to say, they will usually ask you a question.
  4. What’s the purpose in saying what I’m about to say? What’s it actually going to create?
  5. How many convos do you have in hopes to get some result or response from someone and how often does that show up?

Have a look over the last 1-2 weeks at the interactions you’ve had with people. How many times was a response to those people an automatic response, or where you felt obligated to say something? What were you actually responding to?

What if you give yourself the challenge of going 5-minutes with silence? That doesn’t mean no sound, but not needing to speak or respond, and being present with everything going on around you. And, if you can’t do 5-minutes don’t make yourself wrong, just notice what you’re aware of.

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